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Creative AI

AI, Technology, & Entertainment

The Creativity Archive

Context, Scope, Goals: Unlocking Your AI Assistant’s Full Potential

Context, Scope, Goals: Unlocking Your AI Assistant’s Full Potential

Facing an empty prompt can seem daunting and intimidating. But immense possibility awaits beyond that yawning emptiness. One key is honing your skills for scope, context, and goals. Using these techniques you can transform vague questions into focused conversations leading to quality content. Guide your chatbot collaboratively. Establish clear direction. State intents. With practice you’ll unlock AI’s immense creative potential that goes beyond the hype.

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The Evolution of Information — From the Printing Press to AI

The Evolution of Information — From the Printing Press to AI

Embracing Artificial Intelligence as the ‘printing press’ of our era can provide a useful starting point for richer conversations about its societal impact. Just as Gutenberg’s device democratized knowledge and transformed society, AI is set to accelerate innovation, spark creativity, redefine education, and foster global unity. This potent metaphor aids in comprehending AI’s disruptive power and its potential to sculpt a future we are only beginning to imagine.

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Mastering the Canvas of the Future – Taking Control of AI Art

Mastering the Canvas of the Future – Taking Control of AI Art

Explore the transformative potential of AI in the art industry. Drawing from insightful conversations with a professional concept artist, this piece delves into the untapped potential of AI tools like Midjourney in creating original artwork, navigating industry criticisms, and redefining the future of commercial art. Discover the true value of AI art as we grapple with control, creativity, and the evolution of artistic professions.

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The “Always Ask” Method Will Improve Your AI Interactions.

The “Always Ask” Method Will Improve Your AI Interactions.

The AI chatbot honeymoon is over. The bots that were supposed to spin eloquent essays now toil on dull marketing documents. So what happened to the AI we were told would change the world? The promise is still there – you just have to know how to unlock it by asking the right questions.
Ask your AI assistant to guide and inspire, not dictate. Embrace iteration and with practice anyone can master this art of cyber collaboration. Stop treating generative AI like a search bar and transform it into a dialogue.
Keep asking the right questions, and before long you’ll be achieving your highest creative potential. What are you waiting for? Start asking!

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Embrace the Mimetic Chameleon — Authenticity Within Generative AI

Embrace the Mimetic Chameleon — Authenticity Within Generative AI

People often call AI a ‘stochastic parrot’, but I propose a different term: a ‘mimetic chameleon’. The distinction isn’t minor because AI is not merely copying, it’s simulating human creativity, and accomplishing those tasks in a fraction of the time. Like a photograph, AI provides new perspectives, not just a replica. As AI evolves, so will our perceptions of art and AI’s success will lie in expanding our choices, not replacing the real. This ‘mimetic chameleon’ enhances our experiences and augments our creativity, exactly what we want our tools to do for us.

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AI and the Future of ‘Mid’ Creativity – An Inevitable Revolution

AI and the Future of ‘Mid’ Creativity – An Inevitable Revolution

As we increasingly accept AI’s role in replacing mundane, repetitive tasks involving language and art, it’s the swath of ‘mid’ creativity that finds itself in the crosshairs. From dry business reports to formulaic greeting cards, AI is perfectly positioned to excel in this realm, once filled by human ingenuity. Those believing their unique creative niche shielded them from progress now face their own ‘mid-ness.’ Acceptance is the first step. Winning the future will demand you dance with AI, not battle against it.

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It’s the Pictures that Got Small – AI’s Coming Cinematic Revolution.

It’s the Pictures that Got Small – AI’s Coming Cinematic Revolution.

As the shadow of AI looms large over Hollywood, the prophetic words of Norma Desmond echo eerily – ‘It’s the pictures that got small.’ With AI’s relentless advance into every aspect of filmmaking, are the once unstoppable blockbusters dwindling into insignificance? Are the pictures truly getting smaller, or is it just the way we’re making them that’s changing? In this article I’ll explore the turning tide in cinema, where soon, not just the the studios, but anyone with a powerful enough PC may hold the power to create the next cinematic sensation.

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AI Unleashes Abundance – The End of Digital Scarcity

AI Unleashes Abundance – The End of Digital Scarcity

Why do we need to “own” an NFT for a digital thing once you can generate thousands of alternate images that are entirely personal and unique? Why do we need to create artificial scarcity when AI gives us the ability to create as much as we need whenever we need it? Why would we want to keep pretending that we have less when we can suddenly make so much more?

The AI revolution of the last year may not have changed everything (yet) but it has certainly allowed us to shed the assumption that the future was going to feature a blockchain economy — whether you liked it or not.

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Navigating the AI Threat in Search: The Advent of Intellectual Deepfakes

Navigating the AI Threat in Search: The Advent of Intellectual Deepfakes

As AI-generated summaries become the default search results, the intellectual deepfake becomes *the* authoritative result, making AI regulation a necessity. It’s not just about the potential for AI to err; it’s about AI being presented as an infallible source of truth. But the real threat isn’t rogue AI, it’s corporations delivering information through an invisible filter of biases and reducing user access to primary content. This represents a shift from technological progress to a play for control, where corporations endorse regulations that champion an “accepted truth,” ultimately stifling competition and opinion.

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